About Me


Welcome to my personal website!

Those who know me best describe me as a passionate and genuine EU affairs and strategic communications expert. I am also a digital entrepreneur and a proud European citizen, although keeping the global perspective in my mind.

I am passionate not only about my work, but also about universal history, sociology, languages, art, science and astronomy. I am a curios traveler and a football fan. I love French wine, Belgian beer, Italian and Asian food, British diplomacy, German efficiency, American entrepreneurship and the Spanish coast. I am a loyal friend and an ambitious professional.

I have lived in several European countries (in the continent’s North, South, East&West) and I have experienced societal experiments directly, which provide a hands-on experience that one does not acquire from books or conferences alone. This has also given me a balanced perspective on things and an extended sense of humour needed to manage a variety of situations.

As a seasoned Brussels-based professional,  I developed the motivation to be entrepreneurial, structured and perform with excellence in mind, as the only way to succeed in becoming the master of one’s domain.


I analyse big quantities of data through customised data architecture that I designed, in order to produce a unique mapping of the EU political world (and beyond).

I co-authored “How the European Institutions Work” (John Harper Publishing, 2021), and other text book publications.

I manage the development of data visualisation and communication tools (websites, mobile apps, graphs, videos) to explain complex social and political phenomena in an effort to make EU decision-making process more democratic. I am frequently invited to speak to the media, professional associations, students and to make predictions.

I lead my team, make business plans, develop communication strategies and supervise their execution.

I am located at the intersection of a plethora of sectors (politics, business,  think tanks, media, academia) and I meet regularly with top professionals from of all of these. It is a tremendous experience which has given me a genuine understanding of the challenges that each sector faces, the different angles from which they look at things and the complexity of interactions between them.

I have met with key experts and politicians from most countries around the world, which made me grasp some of their national and cultural sensitivities. I have interacted with and mapped the views of decision-makers from across the political spectrum from all of these countries, therefore I am very familiar with their visions, driving forces, cultural and ideological diversity.


In my late 20s started my entrepreneurial adventure. I have co-founded successful organisations in 3 different countries.  In Romania, the Euro-Quorum Institute for Participatory Democracy in 2008, a mostly ‘do tank’ which has trained thousands of young people in the democratic processes.

In 2009, I co-founded in the UK and later in Belgium a one-of-a-kind international organisation which provided unique insights to citizens across the European Union and beyond – VoteWatch Europe (credit goes to cofounder and long-term academic adviser professor Simon Hix ).

From my executive management position, I have worked to develop the organisation from just an idea to becoming a world-wide recognised institution, at its peak being used by 1.000 experts every day.

In 2022 I built EU Matrix, an innovative organisation that combines insights of top experts with Artificial Intelligence to paint an objective and precise picture of the EU decision-making.

Since 2018, I have been member of the European Alliance for Artificial Intelligence.

Over the past years, my analyses on EU affairs have been quoted by leading media outlets in over 40 countries on 4 continents, including the CNN, BBC, the Economist, Financial Times, New York Times and many more. The communication projects that I have coordinated content-wise have reached over 10 million beneficiaries Europe-wide.

I have advised and cooperated with the European institutions and many top stakeholders shaping the EU policy, as well as top universities.

I was nominated by Politico Europe’s among the top 40 most influential personalities in EU affairs for providing stakeholders a “data-driven crystal ball to navigate systemic changes” in the EU!

See “My network” page for details.

I am always open to partnerships and innovative ideas, so feel free to contact me at [email protected].

Doru Frantescu Doru Frantescu Doru Frantescu Doru Frantescu Doru Frantescu Doru Frantescu Doru Frantescu
Manage international projects

I have co-founded a one-of-a-kind international organisation, VoteWatch Europe. I have managed research and innovative on-line communication projects, which covered over 20 countries and delivered content in 24 languages, reaching an audience of over 10 million people. I lead an international team in the Capital of Europe, Brussels.

Cutting-edge predictions

Alongside my team, I develop unrivaled real-time analysis and predictions concerning developments in EU affairs. All is fact-based, statistically-backed information with a proven high rate of accuracy.

Media programs

I frequently speak in the international media on topics covering EU affairs (see “Who trusts me page”) and have co-produced a weekly radio programme called “Profit or Loss”, discussing interactions between business and politics.

Deliver training

I am frequently invited to share my experience and analyses in public or private events by businesses, professional associations, think tanks, NGOs and universities across the EU. I use trendy visualisation tools to explain complex phenomena to a diversified audience.